Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Positive News For October 28th -November 3rd

A 43 year-old Philadelphia woman seeking highly coveted World Series tickets showed the world the American spirit of innovation is still alive and well in the United States despite the slow economy. Die hard Phillies fan, Susan Finkelstein’s strategy to broker a cashless business transaction carried enough potential for success that even members of the local government were willing to monitor its outcome. Finkelstein’s steadfast commitment to succeed despite personal adversity is another endearing symbol of America’s return to glory. [click here for silver lining: “Woman Accused of Selling Body for WS Tix”]

A recent trip to Pakistan by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed local suspicions that she is in command of a US robot army operating in the region. The affirmation came during a news conference in the troubled region as Clinton was held responsible for all unmanned drone tactics aimed against insurgents along Pakistan’s border. While Clinton never admitted to being the robot army’s leader, after answering the public’s questions on the absent robots’ behalf, her position as commander was strongly assumed. [click here for silver lining: “Clinton Takes Heat For Drone Attacks” ]

Muslim immigrant, Rabia Sarwar began her journey through the American dream last week after independently acting on her rights as a woman. Without asking for a man’s permission, the resident of New York chose to disagree with her husband and illustrate her sentiments for the rest of the world to see without the fear of condemnation from her peers. As a result of Sarwar’s foray into the women’s liberation movement, Sarwar may be given the opportunity to learn more about her rights from a diverse and well-versed population of women. [click here for silver lining: “Muslim Wife Slashed Husband’s Neck Over Booze, Pork, and Miniskirts”]

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